Monday, April 30, 2012

Last 30 Days of NYC-Day 27

NYC Today:

April 29, 2012

1. Started this day off with brunch at Tick Tock Diner with Ms. Bean! Yummy in my tummy is French Toast!

2. Headed off to Canal street  before we decided to head down to SoHo- rather quickly!
3. Frozen Yogurt on the go-YoGo is always a nice treat :)

4. Found an amazing company with the softest shirts! Bought one and saw this cute little car that was a random surprise!

5. Headed from shopping to enjoy Sunday Night Worship then a Crepe for dinner!

6. God uses tough times in our life to teach us. This day was a wonderful day, although the ending was quite hard. You never know how or when a friendship might come to an end, and I pray you never do. God uses times and situations in our lives to teach us and show us things that need to change in our life. I've learned humility and grace and remembering that I am God's child, but I am not perfect. God has given me grace, love, and joy and for that I am beyond grateful. I learned that I will never do or say the right thing always, but I do know that my heart loves and pursues the Lord. This I know for sure. This I know.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

Last 30 Days of NYC-Day 28

NYC Today:

April 28, 2012

1. I started the day off with a great brunch and beautiful walk that opened my eyes to a Saturday of rest and friendship. On my way home I ran into this:
2. I continued through the day with meeting a friend for Lunch at a Thai place and then heading over to Cafe Bena for a wonderful Chai Tea and Gillato!
3. Left there to go to see one of my friends! Noelle Bean and I met through one of my best friends and she has now entered into the music business! Her lyrics are real and her music is new and exciting. I was blessed to spend the rest of the weekend with her! Here are  few pics from her show!

4. I left the show to babysit for a couple in my church who has a 9 month old baby. On my way I passed by this: Long Island! 

 So you can guess that she was put to bed as I arrived. But I got to see her beautiful smile and big blue eyes before she was put to bed. Kinda made me a little baby crazy, for a few hours. During that time I dove into the Word and started my new book! God uses these times in our life to slow us down and show us that we need Him.

This was a beautiful day of love, joy, friendship, and quietness before the Lord. He stood me still to show me that He is God. 


Friday, April 27, 2012

Last 30 Days of NYC-Day 29

April 27, 2012

NYC Today:

1. Finishing Desiring God on the Subway

2. 1/2 Day of Work to have my boxes shipped to Big Spring!
3. Sample Sale shopping, Smoothie Run, and Laundry
4. Admiring of the Home
5. Friday Night In :)

"For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." Colossians 3:3-4

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Last 30 Days of NYC-Day 30

Today, April 26th 2012

NYC today you brought me:

1. A "Good Morning" greeting from the Hale & Hearty Lady who has always loved what she has done!
2. A Walk to Chipotle for Lunch with a slight rain starting to fall. 
3. My normal coffee run to Starbucks with more rain showers! 
4. Dinner with a friend in Upper West Side and Pinkberry for dessert :) 
5. Finished packing up my room for the new roommate to move it! God is SO good :) 

The beauty of this life is that we get to experience everyday as if it is our last -- if we choose. I don't tend to be negative, but when I do feel my heart slipping from that of grateful to pitiful, I pray I remember days like these.

 Days when my heart couldn't describe the peace and my walk surprisingly turns into a skip. 

There are simple joys in each day that we should all embrace. I move to Dallas Texas in one month, and this day starts 30 Days of grateful love for this city. The simple days to the eventful days. There is always something new and exciting to speak about!

Stay tuned for more schedules, memories, and skipping through this city <3

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What Lies Within You?

I saw this image today on Pinterest and I realized, what a true statement. How many of us take what happened in our past to bring us down in our future?

Out of all my post, this will be the shortest, but I believe powerful in the same. What lies within you that could change the course of your future and help you let go of your past? I ask you this to not call you out, but to examine your heart. We are all here for a purpose! You went to the university you did, the high school you graduated from, the restaurant you might have ate at last night, and the apartment/house you live in right now all for a purpose. You are in your block, neighborhood, and city for such a time as this.

Not only do I love the picture for the quote, but for the image. A Cowgirl. I don't know about you, but the few cowgirls I have met in my life are tough as nails. They do all they do with passion, heart, and courage. They push themselves in all areas of life until it hurts. I pray that as I get older and one day when I have kids that I teach them that no matter what lies behind them or in front of them, what matters is what lies within them.

Maybe you needed to be told that today to. So let go of yesterday, grab those reigns and get ready for the ride of tomorrow <3

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Overwhelmed to Overflowing

Have you ever felt overwhelmed? I have. Most of my life I have felt overwhelmed, but in a sense of suffereing, pain, or heartache. So whatever overwhelming feeling you are feeling, don't worry, I probably have been there; along with a few other million people.

Overwhelmed. A word that could depict most of our lives as we run day to day trying to pick up the pieces left from the day before to make it to the next. Today's post really has nothing to do with writing a blog, but more for remembering a moment. 

The moment when I truly was overflowing instead of being overwhelmed. A moment when my cup was so full of finally seeing all of the Lord's goodness and amazing love in my life. Tonight, sitting in a circle of friends in New York City, eating food we had cooked together and drinking a glass of wine in coffee cups. No royal engagement, no passover dinner, but a night where God showed up. 

He has taught me so much in the last 8 months I have lived in this city. The main one, being overwhelmed isn't a lifestyle I choose to lead, nor one I would encourage any one else to lead.

A few insights...

Being overwhelmed:
1. Isn't trusting that God can handle it all, it's taking control and believing you are the one handling it. 
2. Doesn't get you ahead, it makes all the work you do now and in the future less of "amazing" because of your lack of concentration. 
3. Isn't living, its surviving 

1. Is a joy that can't be measured or even spoken, for some simple words of Oh What a Savior will do...
2. Is a feeling of love, rainbows, cupcakes, and beauty all in one smile
3. Is an emotion that isn't driven off the need of anyone elses approval, but of the complete satisfaction in Him and Him alone

I don't pretend nor I ever want anyone to believe that I know anything at all of what all a walk full of your cup overflowing looks like. I pray every day I learn more and more of what this then when I know it fully in heaven, it will make these days all the more sweet.

So as I said, tonight isn't really for anyone else, or maybe it is, but it's more for me to remember of my cup overflowing.

What a time for the Lord to reveal it to me, the same weekend I am remembering His ultimate sacrifice. He sacrificed so I could be satisfied. He laid down His life so that I could live my life. 

Oh What a Savior...How my Cup is Overflowing

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

When It Comes...Will you Be Ready?

Hello Wonderful Readers,

It's been a whirlwind of a couple of weeks, and oh goodness, how the Lord has wrecked my heart with crazy change, hope, joy, sorrow, and a loss for words.

God has given me a calling, a love, a passion, and a generation. He has brought me from ashes to beauty to share the Truth of the Gospel and to encourage others that there is something better. We all search for hope, we all search for true love and happiness, and we all are searching for ourselves. We have seen the way in which we have failed and though we try not to, we sometimes lose heart. We lose our way from finding joy in the midst of the days, to being despaired and full of heartache and worry.
I come to you today not to preach to you, but to sit down with you and grab your hands and say "I've been there, some days I AM there." I want to tell you that you are not alone and you have been give a gift. A gift to be exactly who you were meant to be. You have the friends you have and the family you were born into and the job you are talented at for such a time as this. I want to sit with you because I want you to not give up. To not believe the lies of the enemy that tells you that what you are doing today, in this moment, does not matter.  

As young men and women we are always waiting for the next journey to rise us up to be all we were made to be. In high school, we wait till college; in college, we wait till marriage, and in marriage, we wait till children, and so on and so on. A continued web of doubt that you are never at a solid confident place in your life.

God has given you this day, this moment, this journey for such a time as this. I don't want you to say when it comes I will do this; I want you to say I will do this now, so when it comes, when He calls, I will be ready. 

I am ready for this next journey in my life only because I know that Jesus has sat me down, held my hands, and said:
"Don't Worry, I've been there, and my daughter, I AM always there with you. I want you to know that you are not alone and that you have been given a gift. A gift to be exactly who I have made you to be. I have given you the friends you have, the family I bore you into, and the job you will take for such a time as this. I want to sit with you because I want you to NOT give up. To not believe the lies of the enemy that tells you that what you are doing, today, in this moment, does not matter."  
My Friends, I am moved with more love and joy than I have ever felt before. I see the beauty in the midst of the unknown, and with all of my heart, I pray that God would overflow your heart with His love and joy.

When it comes, when your whole life changes in the midst of a season, will you be ready?

"And He made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment -- to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ." Ephesians 1:9-10

He's ready to take your hand and guide you, will you let Him?