Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fantasy Football for the Guys, Fantasy Relationships for the Girls

Yes, it's football season so the title was appropriate. As guys are having "draft parties" and 'creating teams' , us ladies have been fantasizing about what our next or current (fantasy) 'relationship' will look like..whether that's 'drafting' or 'creating' them...we don't care..

Ladies, I want you to listen and read this blog with an open heart and open mind. 

1. We are to be pursued 
2. We are not the pursuer

If I could blast that in every church, in every salon, in every mall I would. I would paint it on every street corner if it would make a difference in your life. I think it honestly is one the biggest lessons for every young woman to learn. Most of all, I think it takes courage to choose to believe it. 

I want you to know that I write this not out of condemnation, but out of a sincere heart and tell you that girl "I have been there, yes right where you are...I have thought well God this is 'the One' but God why doesn't he see it too?"

My dearest loves, I wish I could sit and have coffee with each of you and let you know a few things. 

1. If He's not yours, He is somebody else s...
This one was the biggest turning factor in my walk with the Lord. I have a few really amazing Godly men in my life and it has taken me seeing them hurt from relationships and women that fantasize that I learned this very important principle. 
Do you want your husband, the one God has called you to marry, to be pursued the way you are pursuing this other man?  
Do you want to one day have to tell you husband that your pursued a man because you were too impatient to wait for him? 
Please, take this all as I have been there...done that and fallen from that. 

2. Our men are to be respected, not hunted
I call when a man desires a women he pursues her. But when a woman wants a man, she hunts him. Godly men are to be respected, honored, and encouraged...from a distance. If you listen to the advice of #1, this will not be an issue, but some see Godly men as their own personal "comfort pillow" for tears and that "manly" attention we are desired to need. 

Women, this need can and only will be met by the truest Lover of your Soul...Jesus Christ. 

3. You are not alone...
I think many of us see relationships as the "Easy fix" to loneliness. The saddest thing I have seen in the past few years is married women who are lonely. Yes, you heard me. They thought their heart would be full and that feeling of loneliness would disappear, but that feeling only became worse. A man will not heal your past. A man will not sew your heart back together. A man will not be the father you never had. A man will not be the beauty you have never felt. A man will not be the savior you don't believe can be your all in all. He will fail, because he is just like you and me, he has fallen short of the glory of God. He is human, and he cannot be a god in your life. 
My friends, I say all this to help you see what I had to break to see

Picture a glass of water. You can see straight through it, but only when it is in a glass cup. Put that water in a plastic cup and what does the water become. Water. However, you can no longer see plainly through it, it has become hard to see what the contents truly are. What I am trying to do is put your heart in a glass cup. I want you to be able to see all the way through you heart at your real intention with the man you are seeing (or pursuing). I believe we put our hearts in plastic cups to try and trick ourselves into thinking we are truly 'waiting on the Lord.' My friends lying to yourself only prolongs the glorious riches that God wants to bless your life with. 

So today, as the guys gear up for fantasy football, may you exit out of his Facebook, close your laptop, open up your bible and/or journal and read Psalm 139. 

O LORD, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways. (Psalm 139:1-3 ESV)

May you know that wherever you are, you are not alone, that He has a plan for your life, and my friends, may you see that the best part of love is that it comes and makes you fall to your knees and thank God. Why do you think they call it "falling in love?" 

To end, I am not ashamed to say I pray for my husband daily. I pray my husband not only longs to pursue me, but that he wants all of me, not some of me or part of me (some of you know what I mean), but that he desires to join this life with me and partner, not for him or even me, but to fulfill the ultimate will of God. 

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed." (Ecc 4:9 NLT)

So, I pray that today you see that God has a man that will want all of you, that will want to partner with you and bring glory to our amazing God through your marriage. But until then...know that every man is someone's man, don't hunt, but respect, and know that you are never alone. 

Leave the fantasy stuff to Hollywood and Football, and lets live in the Reality of God's true love story for our lives...

Love Y'all 