Wednesday, February 29, 2012

God's Provision is the Land of Milk and Honey

Hey Y'all!

God gave me the heart to live a life for Him, He has given me a home to sleep and rest, He has given me a job to pay the bills and feed my tummy, He has given me a family that loves me more than life itself, He has given me friends that I cherish more than almost anything on this earth, and He has given me each of you to pour His love onto. 

Have you thought of what all He has given you? 

God's provision is beautiful, its extraordinary, and it's truly remarkable. He provides even when we don't thank Him for it. He provides even when we don't think we need provision. God is love and He has called us to be His love to the world. So what does He do? He gives us the opportunity to live in the land of milk and honey. A land of beautiful rest and assurance that the God of the universe will provide all you need.

Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever. He has caused his wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate. He provides food for those who fear him; he remember his covenant forever. Psalm 11:2-5 

I don't know how many of you out there are struggling right now, are needing someone to help you but aren't willing to ask for it, or even are in a place to help someone physically, mentally, financially, or spiritually. Whatever the case, God provided for you so that you could provide for them. In Matthew 28 we are called to go out into all the nations and share the good news. What do you think sharing the good new is? Providing yourself to be the vessel, your heart to be the testimony, and your life to be the evidence. You are God's provision to the world of darkness for you are the light of the world. 

I want you to know that whatever you are struggling with, are in need of, or have the opportunity to give, let the Lord be your provider and let Him be the one to show you His miraculous wondrous ways. 

And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

I pray that as you read this today that your eyes are opened to see the land of milk and honey in your own life and that you are being pulled to trust in God even more than you did before you read this. Open those hands that are you are clinging so tight together just trying to hold on to. God is here and He is with you, He desires to provide for you physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially. 

God provided the perfect gift for you, don't you think He can provide for your needs? He gave so you could be saved, and now He provides so that you can be the light. Don't let the darkness take away what God has given you, let the light be the hope you cling onto, not your own will power. 

You are where you are for a reason, you are who you are for a purpose, and you have been called for such a time as this. Don't let unbelief in God's ability to provide stop you from turning back now and looking, remembering, and believing in the promises that have and will come to pass. 

God provides and It's His will that we all enjoy the land of milk and honey, why can't it be today? 


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Reality of the Gospel-First Video

Hey Guys,

I am so excited for what the Lord has called me to do and more excited that it ivolves spending more time with y'all! On a visual scale :D

I pray that you each get something out of this and let me know if you have any questions!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Simple Reminder-You are Meant for Great Things

Hi Guys,

Well, its a busy work day, but I just can't seem to stop from thinking that I want to do so much more. Have you ever thought about your life, your day to day routine? Are you in high school trying to figure out what to wear to school the next day, where the basketball game will be next week, or what TV show to get hooked onto now. Are you in college, running around like crazy for test, projects, Greek week, or even just a part-time job that should be more like full-time. Or, are you like me, graduated, working in the real world, just trying to find your place in the world right now, in this moment, to remember that you are meant for greater things.

I read a blog by one of my friends the Lord has blessed me with, Hope. Her name is Hope, and her faith gives me hope. She is a missionary in Haiti working for a children's organization. I am amazed at her faith, wisdom, and trust in the Lord. I am blessed to know her.

As I was reading her blog today it occured to me that she is across the nation and still looking for the same thing I am, greater things. The things she does for those children brings tears to my eyes. All they know is dust and starving, and she washes their feet and feeds their bellies and souls. So I read this as I sit in my skyscaper office in New York City, and wonder, who's better off? Dusty feet or High Heels?

All in all, I know the Lord has called me, called us all to greater things? So what do we do until we get there? Well, it occurred to me today that, I'm already in the greater things. I'm right where the Lord wants me, has lead me, and is changing me, I'm in His will. And that is the greater thing.

I pray that one day I can stand in front of millions of women and encourage and uplift them to see the true beauty that lies within them, to tell them that they are BEAUTIFUL, and to show them that God is always with you. My life is the testament to the gospel of Jesus Christ and I can't wait for that to be my everyday routine, but for now, I stand amazed that the Lord would choose me to woo, to pursue, to be meant for greater things.

I am thankful and I want you to be thankful and to know to not give up just because your daily routine seems pointless or hopeless, to know that you are meant for great things, today!

May you be encouraged and uplifted, and know from the bottom of my heart, I pray the Lord shines His face upon you!


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Resting while Acting in Faith

Good Morning my Lovely Friends,

I pray that you are all at church or attending church today, not because you have to, but because it's re-filling that heart that might have been emptied by the world's doubt, fear, hopelessness, and sin. God calls us to worship in community to build our own hearts as we build up each other.

Over the past few months the Lord has really been calling me to be silent and listen. If you know me personally, and probably even if you don't, you might know that this has not always been the easiest for me to do. I am a pro-active "get-er doner!" I like to have things done when they need to be done, and most of all I like doing that because it puts me in control of circumstances. So, as I mentioned, the Lord has called me to rest in His silence. He has called me to join with Him as I lay every single circumstance at His feet and rest.

What circumstances are you going through right now and you know the last thing you have done is lay them at the King's feet? 

So you ask, while I am resting how are things getting done? When you are relying on the Lord for your strength, for your hope, for your continued daily renewal; you are giving Him the reigns. This is called acting in Faith my friends. How many profess to believe but don't have the faith? Faith can't be seen, it can only be felt. Faith can't be examined, it can only be tested. One of my friends said in a sermon that I listened to last night something that hit me square in the face;

"I can be running around doing a million different things, but on the inside I am sitting down." -Nathan Teeters
He was referring to the scripture in Luke 10:38-42 where Jesus enters Mary and Martha's house. So crazy I spoke about this scripture in a previous blog recently. But it's so crazy that it takes God continually reminding us of the same topic for us to fully have faith that He is who He says He is. How devistating to Him to know that His own Son's and Daughter's have trouble believing in their own Father.

So today, I pray that you not only go to church to have your heart filled, but to have your feet readied, your hands opened, and your eyes fixed on Him. God has called you to rest today, but I pray that we don't stop acting in Faith. Our church needs our faith, our family needs our faith, our friends need our faith, our co-workers need our faith, the lost need our faith, and we can't survive without our faith.

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him -- but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit." 1 Corinthians 2:9-10

My brothers and sisters, God has called us to rest because no matter what we do we cannot "conceive what God has prepared," but we do act in faith because "God has revealed it to us by His Spirit." God has given us the choice to sit and let us be amazed at Him and the choice to put our hope, our trust, and our joy in the knowledge that His Holy Spirit has come to give us faith while we wait.

So may you rest in His love as you act in faith!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Letter

A love letter for you and me:

My daughters, my sons, you are all loved more than you each could possibly fathom. Each of your hairs is numbered, each of your fingerprints different, each of your noses different. I have made you each different for such a time as this. Some of you are married and I encourage you to embrace your spouse. Love them like you used to dream about loving them, love them like you used to write in your journals and pray through your tears. Have you forgotten what you came through to get where you are?

Some of you are single, oh what a precious time is this. Our times together are so sweet, so personal, so loving. Do you look forward to the day when I will make your love story come to pass? Do you pray for your spouse as if you've known who they are for years? My dear children, do not think this life is limitless of beautiful moments, but look at this life as a sense of taking every moment and storing it in your heart. As I mentioned above, don't ever let it slip from your heart what your going through now.

All of you are mine. My dear children my Son came, walked, lived, performed, loved, died, and rose again. He came for the hope of sharing with you the love of heaven on earth! You are all meant to feel this love differently. As you all have different numbers of hairs, you each have a different love story of how you fell in love with me! All I am here to say through my daughter today is have you forgotten what I went through to get you here?

Don't let the world dictate what you remember about love, let our love story dictate how you feel, how you act, how you remember!

Love unconditionally, because I first loved you!

I can't say anything more beautiful than that!


Happy Day of the Reminder to Love

Friday, February 3, 2012

Are you Dizzy?

Good Morning Y'all!

It's been a wonderful morning here in the Big Apple. God is so good to me and I am completely astounded how He continues to move within me and in my heart every moment of every day. 

Are you Dizzy? 

The world goes round and round, it is a continual circular object that continues to go around whether we are going with it or not. I have realized so many times I get so caught up in trying to keep up with the next turn that I get dizzy trying to keep up. I am continually trying to be better, to move ahead so I don't get behind, and what happens, I get behind. 

God has given us a road map, called His word, to give us the direction in which to go. (let me tell you, there are no circles in the bible, its all one narrow road!) 

I love the story about Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42) just for this instance. Martha is running around like crazy trying to get ready for the Lord and make Him feel "hospitable" in her house (sound familiar?), when Mary is just sitting at the feet of Jesus. 

"Martha, Martha, " the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things. but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken from her." vs.42 

How many times have we told God, "I'm doing this for you..." "I'll stop doing this Lord, even though I know it's not exactly what you are asking, I am comfortable in doing this right now..." or have you ever been Martha and have gone in circles so many times around God before you saw that the only thing you needed to do was stop and sit at His feet? 

The world will always go round and round, but just as Mary, we don't have to be of the world to be in it. I pray that today you seek God over the world and that you seek His feet instead of the busyness surrounding.

A hard lesson learned for one day, but don't worry, you have eternity to sit at His feet! 

"God, may you bless and keep each individual who reads this. May your face shine upon them and may you give them an extra dose of your supernatural wisdom and provision. May you lead them in time management, may you shower them with love and hope to get through the day, and may you equip them to go and be the disciples of your Kingdom. I love you Lord and I know you have called, so we answer and we sit and enjoy your presence. Be our everything in the midst of anything." Amen

May you fight the Martha attitude of the world and be the Mary. 
