Tuesday, July 5, 2011

One day at a Time...

I now leave for DC in 11 days and Israel in 27 days and move to NY in 43 days. So many emotions to take in. Today is July 5th, 2011 (as you know) but its the day following a celebration of our country. As I enjoyed an amazing day a the lake yesterday with wonderful friends, I sat there and new I had to write what I was feeling down...and as surprising it may sound, I feel the same way today!

I have seen a new perception. Is it because I am wearing contacts instead of glasses? Is it because I worked out a little extra hard this morning? Or could it simply be because I have accepted that God is changing every aspect of my life? So I had the choice this morning to either, whats that saying, roll with the punches or get punched? I don't know, something like that!

So the actual title of this post, one day at a time. I have tried my entire life to live more of tomorrows responsibilities in today's 24 hours. This is not how life should be. God gave us a life, though it isn't always easy, there is a reason that we get a break between one to another. So yes, yesterday might have been bad to you, but today is all yours to make it better. Now I know I sound like some Joel Olsteen rendention, but seriously, there is more to each day than the one before. The best thing is that if you wake up you get another chance to make your impact on this earth a little greater.

So this is me, trying to make an impact on some kind of digital world that our world has come to. I am taking this life one day at a time, though I may never truly understand the saying "roll with the punches" this is my suggestion to you as well, just roll with the punches of life today and let God take your breathe away as you live one day at a time!

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

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