Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Joy in the Unknown

Good Morning All,

I know that most of you are still at home with family and friends, or even traveling to amazing destinations! I was so blessed to be able to go home for Christmas this year and spend an amazing time catching up with my family and adopted families.

I bring you this blog today to give you the encouraging words that God has called me to give. I know that some of you are coming into a new season of new desires, new changes, new beginnings, and new hardships. So I bring you this word to encourage you to see beyond the distance and bring into perspective the act of Christ in your life! God gives us the gift of joy, not happiness, to sustain us through the toughest of times and the happiest of days. Happiness is fleeting, but joy is sustaining. No matter the season you are coming into, come and know that the God of the Universe created this day to be a special day in your life. I know that many days don't make sense in my life or circumstances don't add up and I wonder how in the heck will I ever see past this pain, hardship, or hurt. I want to encourage you that there is a light, there is a beacon of joy that surpasses every new season of your life! I come because I was called to speak even if no one will listen, I have been called to speak to you today!

This may not make sense to you today or even tomorrow, but I promise you if you are reading this, God has wooed you to Himself and He will surely answer you when you call and open the door when you knock.

"My sons and daughters, you have been called according to the great purposes of my Kingdom. Many of you struggle with letting go for fear of not having anything once you let go. Many of you struggle of letting go because you fear you will not be held once you let go. Both of these are lies from the enemy. You will always have me to hold onto and I will always be holding onto you! I come to you today and give you the word of joy to be ever surpassing over whatever circumstance you are walking in. I will forever sustain you through the coming days and I give you this life so that you may be a witness for the ones who need me more than even you. My sons and daughters, do not fear but rejoice for the God of the Universe has called you, summoned you, to stand up, and walk ahead. I will prepare the steps and lay before you the path that I have called you to walk, but you must get up and let go of whatever is holding you back. Let go of that relationship that is holding you back from experiencing true love in my name, let go of that stronghold that forever entangles you to seek the world over the Word, let go of that burden that you carry from when you were younger that continually steals from the joy of today, and please let go of the lies that you continue to believe from the enemy that you won't make it or you can't do it until ...... is done. I come to you today to speak to you in joy, in hope, and in reassurance that you are being lead to let go and fall into my arms. Although the unknown seems dark and scary, the actuality is that what now bounds you is the dark and scary and the unknown is the light and joy of the Kingdom. Come my sons and daughters, do not fear, but rejoice, for the God of the Universe has brought you here, in this time, in this place, for a reason. Stand up and walk and let My joy overwhelm you and captivate you."

My brothers and sisters, I am overwhelmed that the God of the Universe would come and share with us such simple but pure loving knowledge. I pray for your hearts and I will be praying that whoever reads this would take a stand and be lead to make a change. Do not fear but rejoice for God has you and know that He is all you need. He is all we need.

"For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." Colossians 1:13

1 comment:

  1. Jessica, this was exactly what I've been needing to hear! Love you <3 Miranda
