Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Love being Loved

It's that time of the year when the stores begin stocking red, pink, and a bit of white! It's that time of the year when I will be attending/participating in one of my best friends wedding this weekend and many more throughout the year! It's also happens to be that time of my life when my Facebook sees more engagements, marriages, and new relationships than the Lifetime channel. :)

I say all this to begin a blog series about certain people in my life that have impacted and inspired me and given me a joy and love that is deeper than any ocean. Some of these people are still in my life and some have since passed their season of love, but that doesn't gleam them any less of important.

I thank the Lord for the grace to admit that I can't always understand these relationships, but that these relationships give my life understanding. 

Love is a very beautiful and important feeling, emotion, and part of life. It deems to me to be more important than most things we strive for on a daily basis. If the men and women I passed everyday on the streets of NYC would strive more to improve the love they have for their husbands/wives and families than the striving they did for the next dollar, this world might see less divorces and more marriages.

My heart yearns for a love that is perfectly imperfect, beautifully 
spectacular, and gracefully abundant. 

First and foremost, with my relationship with the creator of Love. He has given me a love that is rooted so deep that nobody can take away from me. He's the one who holds me when the tears fall, chuckles at me when my laughter is so loud and boisterous people are staring, and the one who promises to fulfill the desires of my heart that He only knows. Its the man on the Cross who loved deeper, better, and more perfectly than any of us could ever strive to do. I pray for this love, but more than this I am grateful that I am loved like this. 

Second, my mother. This women will be the first person I recognize on this blog series. She's the women who gave birth to me, raised me to be the woman I am, and who has sacrificed far more than I will ever know or understand. She clings to the truth of our Savior and holds fast to the promise of kindness, gentleness, and abundant patience. She's not only a teacher or mother, shes my best friend, my advice giver, my listener, and the one who will always hold the dearest place in my heart. She's the rare gem I was born from and I am blessed to be loved like this. 

It's the story of love, life, and the pursuit of learning more and more about it everyday. I want each of you to know you are loved, adored, and favored. I pray you thank the Lord for the people in your life that you love and who love you.

Love is beautifully, spectacularly perfect. We are the imperfect ones who can change and alter the effects and conditions of it all; don't be the one striving for the things that don't last, cling to love. 
I love being loved like this, I pray you are too...

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