Monday, September 19, 2011

I will wait for you....

Hello Readers, Internet Community, and Friends...

It has been awhile. The New York life has a tendency to swallow you in. Also, juggling work, graduate school, and the ever-so pressing subject of "Finding Myself..." has proven a heavy task schedule...

This blog is a symbol of my growth as a woman, as a writer, and as a Daughter of the King trying to find her place... I will one day look back on these writings and be reminded of events, people, memories, and growing periods that have shaped and molded me into that person I will one day be. So today, I write on a subject that is beautiful, romantic, and one of the most pressing subjects in a woman's heart. I cannot wait to lead women through writing, through speaking, through encouraging, and through daily uplifting. I believe this is my calling, but I also have realized through my growing that God has my life in His hands and my timeline is on HIS schedule and not my own. So this time in New York is about the Lord growing inside of me and being selfish with each other to grow, change, sanctify, and transform. I know this may sound crazy to some, but most will understand the process of a person's life there is always a processing and growing period, this is mine.

I have no doubt that God is the Lover of my Soul and that He woos me day in and day out to see Him more and to become more intimate with Him. In the ways I trust in Him, talk to Him, have faith in Him, and believe in Him. I believe that God has been writing my love story for a long time, well for always. He knew before I was born the man I would marry and the life I would lead. He gave me my life to be proof that through waiting comes a story...
This weekend I realized that though the waiting is hard, one day it will all be worth the wait. I have said that to myself and others countless times, but for the first time this weekend, I truly believed it...I was given this singer's name (Lindsay McCaul) from one of my best friends and as I was listening to her song's today came across this one "Ending." It is my heart and honestly the perfect lyrics to describe my hearts condition. I will wait for my future husband through the tears and the hurts, I will wait.

Some may find it a little to personal to share this online, and honestly my old self would have said that too! My life is meant to be shown. I have struggled through things in life that one day will be published in a book for all to read. Why do I do this you ask? Well, if you are struggling with something and you read that I once/did/ or am struggling with something it binds community, the Church, and the strength of the Kingdom into one. This is what this world needs, more honesty and less surface. I am here to share my story, through the hurts, tears, and mistakes, to try and let the Lord be the Author of my story everyday so that when that glorious day comes when I will see Him face to face; I will know I did all I could to be Matthew 28.

So today, I make a public annoucement that my future Husband will be the only many who knows me in every way possible. I make a commitment to him, to God, and to myself to be utterly devoted to the day when the story God has been writing comes to view in an amazing and beautiful way, exactly the way God wants it! I know that it may hurt to be alone but I also know that this is exactly where I am supposed to be...waiting on the one God has for me, not just for me, but for him!

So I pray that if you read this that you know and understand that if your single that God is the first and foremost Lover of your Soul and that one day your story will come to an "Ending" like you have never thought before...

Continue growing, pursueing, and being blessed in ALL God has for you!

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