Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Light of a Tree

Hello My Fellow Bloggers, Readers, Hopeful Friends,

I want you all to know that God is great, beautiful, marvelous, and just absolutely moving! I am in awe of how He continually takes care of me when I don't think I can take much more!

I am going through a season of change, hope, joy, sorrow, and fulfillment. I know that God is changing my life, giving me hope for tomorrow, allowing joy to come through the sorrow of letting go, and fulfilling more dreams than even I can see! 

Last night I was able to attend the Christmas at Rockefeller here in NY. It was beautiful, freezing, but beautiful. To see so many people, close to half of a million, gathered around this, "tree!"

Can you believe it, it really is just a tree with lights, isn't it? 

The Holy Spirit brought to mind this morning a similar story about a tree with not lights, but one Light. I thought about it and it dawned on a me why the questions seem so similar...

Can you believe it, it really is just a man on a cross, isn't it?

These trees were different, these lights were also different. One tree gives us a beautiful Christmas decoration, the other was cut and sawed to gave us life. One set of lights gives us the spectrum of the rainbow, the other gives us the hope of tomorrow. One tree gave half of a million people the chance to gather with friends and family to sing Christmas carols, the other gave billions of people the chance at redemption and the chance to see family and friends on the other side.

There are many points in my life that I will remember certain thoughts and events, but I have to say last night is one of the top five. Surrounded by people who are looking at a tree with lights searching for hope and love and some not knowing that it was a tree and a Light that was nailed and sacrificed a long time ago that gives them hope and love today.

Although not everyone there was a believer, although I know God can do hope one day, I do know that everyone yearned for the a bigger Light.

I pray that we all know that its not just a tree and multicolored lights that gives us hope and joy, it's the tree that was cut down, shaped like a cross, and nailed over 2000 years ago that brings us true Light to this world.

I pray for all of us that we see the true Light of this Christmas season.

Joy, Peace, and Love to you and yours!

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