Saturday, August 20, 2011

New York, New Me!


It's Saturday y'all! I am so excited to see what is ahead for this next week. Yesterday was my first day at my job, well NY Office, and I LOVE it! I love my new boss and I know full well that God has brought me here for a reason!

I guess I have decided to blog for the main reason of filling in my family and friends on my life, but more than that, I believe I will be writing and speaking to many people very soon! I believe God has brought me to this city not only to be a light in the darkness but to be a voice in the midst of noise. I want more than to just walk to work and carry on with my own life, but to be engaged with the people I am surrounded by. I don't know what will be next or what is to come but I do see a light at the end of the tunnel.

This morning I met a friend at breakfast who is a few years older than me and she opened my eyes to a few reasons why God might have brought me here. I found them encouraging and wanted to share them with you for the few who relate in this "new season" perception of living:

1. "He separates you to sanctify you"
God has brought me here to be thankful for what I have but to help me realize that HE is all I truly need.
2. "He brought me here to teach me the basics"
My life has always been speed mode and trying to find my own way no matter what that looked like. In the process I didn't learn the basics of being a woman of God and learning to be pursued and loved and not always having to lead. This is just one of the many.
3. "The life I left behind was only shaping me for the life I will have"
I don't know or fully understand this one in my own life, but I know that I will in the next few months.

These were powerful messages that I believe the Lord sent to me to send to you as well. As I grow and learn the extent of my journey here in New York, I pray you seek and find the extent of your journey no matter where that might be.

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." 
Hebrews 10:35-36

<3 and Blessings

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