Sunday, July 31, 2011


Good Afternoon All!

Well this is the first of many blogs for the next two weeks! I know can you believe it, ISRAEL IS TOMORROW!

Well, its been quite a weekend, moving out of my apartment in Denton into a UHAUL and two suitcases! One bound for New York and one for Israel. Its pretty crazy that my life can fit into two suitcases!

There are so many emotions running through my mind, heart, and soul at this moment! I have learned to let go and have taken the hand of my Savior's and let Him take my life. I am here on this journey for the purpose of joining together with my Maker! Have you found your purpose or joy for today? Meredith Andrews really hits home for me in this song!

"Everything I see is so temporary; So help me run the race before me with eternity in sight..."

This is my heart and soul right now. As I sit here and type this I am in my home away from home at Starbucks in Denton with my two roomates sitting by my side. So many emotions! They have become my best friends, my confidants, my constant reminders of Christs' blessings in my life. I will miss them dearly, but know that we have laughed hard, prayed harder, and made memories that will last a lifetime.

So as I titled this blog, I am READY for Israel, READY for His will, and READY to be completely in His Arms. I hope you continue to read this blog as I journey through the Holy Land and learn to dive into your own heart and let the Holy Spirit guide you into His Holiness and I promise you will see you are READY too!

All My Love

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