Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Love that Gives Hope - Dedicated to the future Mr. and Mrs. Casey Schutza

 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part,  but when completeness comes,what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.  For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.  And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. 

 But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:8-13
I couldn't let something this beautiful, touching, and inspiring go without a blog post. 

Genna Hinds is a beautiful and wonderful friend of mine whose friendship has inspired me in times of joy and encouraged me in times of hardship. Looking back on it now, I met Casey first while we lived in Victory together at my first year at UNT. 

Casey and I realized we both had something in common - Jesus - and we became friends. One day Casey had been texting me about this "Genna" and asking for advice but my only knowledge about her was that he was crazy about her. Coincidentally, that same week I was holding a "Finding Your Crown" bible study at my apartment and in comes this new girl. We start the bible study and Genna informs me that she is "Casey's Genna..." 

We have been friends ever since and I can honestly say that I know why Casey was so crazy about her. She is a God-fearing, loving, caring, and honest woman of God who is anointed by Jesus Himself to carry out love in its truest form - kindness. 

I write this blog for them, but also for every other single man or woman, engaged or married couple. We all need to be reminded that love is everlasting, love is beautiful, and love just is...

I have attached the video that Casey made for Genna as an introduction for proposal...well done Casey. ;) My friends, I encourage you all to not only watch this video, but to walk away encouraged and uplifted. As I watched it this morning (again) God gave me 2 very important reminders:

1. Love Is...

I will never understand what Jesus did for me. I will never understand why Jesus died for me. I will never fully understand why He still loves me despite my sin, but He does. He loves us more than we can ever possibly imagine. He loves us in the midst of our sin and He loves us in the midst of our highest success.   
What a beautiful picture of love in this video. The love Casey feels from our Savior and that same love overflowing into his love for Genna. It's a beautiful picture Christ and the church - as it should be. 

2.  Don't Give Up...

I wouldn't be writing honestly if I didn't say what every other girl was thinking in this video. "Is there anyone left like Casey..." (Bonus affirmation for you Casey...) 

All the single ladies...God specifically wants us to hear this:

"My daughters, you are loved far more than you could ever possibly imagine. I have your story written. I have the moments of your life planned. I always work things together for the good of those that love me. So love me my daughters, fall in love with me everyday. I have great and wonderful things in store for you. Picture an ocean. Do you see the waves crashing, do you see the tide rising, do you see the sun coming up behind? Picture those waves continuing to wash away all the past hurts, wounds, and barriers that you have put against me. I am refreshing you. I am renewing you. I am rebuilding you. Know that I am here and my dear daughters, you have a man that loves you enough to die for you, and He still is loving you today...hold onto His love. Don't give up on me, because I never will give up on you..." 

So my single lady friends, we are all in this together. Believe that Love is...possible, here, coming, everlasting, unfailing, hopeful, inspiring, and encouraging - and Don't give up on that.

To Casey and Genna, I thank you for your love for the Lord, your love for each other, and your love for all those you encounter. I pray amazing and empowering supernatural blessings over you both as you start this new beginning. May you continue to fall in love with each other everyday and may you always know that with God and the love you have for each other...anything is possible. 


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Confession: I Am Not Perfect and I Never Will Be

(This blog is supposed to reflect who I am, what I believe, and most importantly, a channel for me to look back and see my own growth.So as you continue, please remember, everything I say is to encourage you and bring glory to God.)

I have messed up and to put it bluntly - I am messy. This blog is not being written because I am trying to justify myself or even to ask for forgiveness- I have already been forgiven. This blog is being written, because no matter how much I fall, God always will be the one that rises with Glory. I want it always to be recorded that not on my own accord, but that through each and every lesson, God always gets the glory. And, He has called me to write and speak and not be silent. So many are silent and then so many feel alone - I won't be silent so that you don't have to feel alone.

Lesson: My eyes have been opened to the reality that I am not the person everyone thinks I am and I will never be perfect.

My heart is to see the love of Christ explode from my life onto others. My life goals are all centered around the divine will and destiny of God Almighty. BUT I have not always acted in a way that followed those desires. This past month has been full of mistake after mistake, but in that I have learned what grace, love, and true forgiveness are made of. I do regret my mistakes, but I do not regret the lessons learned. Paul understood....

"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." Romans 7:15

We never know why we make the sin we make when we do it, well we do, but we don't want to admit it...Until the pain after comes. Do you agree? You don't regret touching the stove while hot, until the searing burning pain comes? You don't regret speeding, until the cop rights the ticket? Our generation has gotten used to waiting for consenquences, instead of preparing so that we may be ready when/if the temptation comes.

These next two points are based on what the Lord has shown me. I am not pointing anyone out. I am very blessed and thankful for my friends and family - but this is what the Lord has shown me and hopefully you will relate and maybe even take comfort in knowing you are not alone.

1. I Will Never Be the Woman Everyone Wants
Wow. What a powerful statement, not only for me, but for all women. We will never be able to measure up to all the things we are supposed to conquer.

But we can sure try. 

I in no way am saying all of this as an excuse of sin, but I am saying it so that you can use it while in battle. The enemy wants you to believe that you are supposed to love this way, hope this way, teach this way, dress this way, speak this way, serve this way, and so on...He wants you to believe the opposite of what God wants you to be because honestly, its quicker satisfaction on our end. One of the pastors at my church said yesterday, "We are into microwaving and God is into marinating..." That is perfect. We want the quick fix diet, the quick fix love, the quick fix career boost...God doesn't work by "quick fixes" and He doesn't "microwave" our lives. Why you may ask? Because He loves us too much to do either of those. 

Be you. Listen to God and trust that the women He is making, sanctifying, changing, and building will be enough. And trust that all those things will happen in His time. You are enough. My friends, I ask that you would trust me in this that I have not yet mastered this, but I am trying. 

Whether its in society, family, or friends we all have expectations for others, but there is a difference in expectations and walls. Expectations are just the generic trust and love that come with entering into any kind of relationship - friendship or romantic. Walls are you putting barriers around who and what a person should ever be or do - walls put them in a box. A Box that they will never fill because frankly everyone's box looks different - so you have your family putting you in a box, your friends, society and etc. 

At the end of the day this will not be their fault - but is yours (ours). You(we) chose to stay in that box either because of pride or fear. This box will determine the decisions you(we) make, and if you(we) stay in that box, your(our) entire life will be determined by the destiny others wanted for you (us) and not the perfect destiny God has for you (us).

2. I Will Never Make The Decisions Everyone Wants
Over the years there are many people that have told me a numerous amount  of things of what they "know" I will be and what type of man they "know" I will marry. 

I say all of this to hurt nobody, because frankly they were all doing it out of good intentions. 
But just because they were good intentions, does not mean they were God's intentions.

This has become a problem, not solely because of the notions or "boxes" people have put around me, but more so that I have in those moments made expectations concerning my own "personal success ceiling," if you will, and expectations in men.

My eyes have been opened and my heart has been put in check. My only comparison with anything in my life, decision wise, is the Word of God and not the words of man. 

I tell each and everyone who will listen to all of this to hopefully encourage those who are going through this season with me and to help prepare or maybe even open the eyes of those who haven't seen this season yet. I am not saying all struggle through this, but I am saying it has grown rampant - especially with my generation.

So I will finish where I started, my heart is to see the love of Christ explode from my life onto others. My life goals are all centered around the divine will and destiny of God Almighty....and now my life will hopefully transparently and honestly reflect these true Godly desires. 

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:33

So the confession is I am not perfect and I never be..BUT I serve a Perfect, Just, Loving, Faithful, Good, Honest, Hopeful, Compassionate, Kind, and Provisional God who continues to lavish His perfect love on me. I can't say that I have broken down all the walls of the boxes that have been placed around me or I have made every decision in my life based on God's intention and not my own or others agenda - but I can say that I now am aware of these and knowledge is power. My heart will be to seek first His Kingdom and let God's perfect love be the only type of perfection I seek.

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear..." 1 John 4:18

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Hello Friends,

If you didn't know, next week is Thanksgiving. Yes, that means you get to....EAT! 

I love this time of year, people start thinking and reflecting on their lives and the life they led in 2012 starts to flash before all of our eyes. 

I know one day I will look back on this time in my life and be thankful for the strengthening, the severing, the teaching, and the transforming. Day after day in the past month I have thought about the light at the end of the tunnel. We all go through seasons where the hardship outweighs the...well, more hardship. That season is upon me but I can finally say I see the light flickering ahead of me. 

I want you all to be encouraged that though hardship may come and some days may seem longer than others, that God IS with you and me.

I will be the first to tell you that I have questioned, yelled, and even stomped my foot at our precious Savior wondering when it would all make sense or get easier.

But today, no stomping, no yelling, just thanking. 

I'm thankful for:

1. God's forgiveness, love, and grace
2. My family - though we all have flaws, they are still God's divine gift to me. 
3. Best Friends - I have no idea where I would be without them.
4. Anointing- Though I don't know my final destination, I hold onto the promises told to me. 
5. Job- I love my job. Though it is crazy and changing - I am blessed.
6. My Car- I take this for granted a lot, but this last month I realized what a blessing it is to have one. 
7. My Church- Having a body of believers surrounding you is something that encourage and uplifts the soul more than you/we ever could on our own. 
8. Prayer- It's my love language to my Savior.
9. You- Thank you for reading my heart and following me on this journey called life. 

The months ahead may be rough but if I look to God and thank Him for what He has already done and know my heart will be filled with the faith needed to carry on...

"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17

Happy Thanksgiving!