Friday, May 25, 2012

Last 30 Days of NYC-I'll Be Seeing You NYC...

“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.” -Dr. Seuss

I never thought my life would lead me to New York City. You never think your life will go where it goes. We try our best to schedule days, weeks, months of our lives, but it never looks like we plan. I dreamed of so many things when I was younger, so many of those things could accompany a slideshow with thank God for unanswered prayers; A few though, have come true, and many are yet to be written. 

My time in New York has grown me in ways that I didn't even know I needed to grow in (pride I know). I've become a woman who fears the Lord with all that she is because she knows that nothing in this world matters. I've become a woman who is starting to feel the wonder, awe, and beauty of God's unfailing love for me and His children. I've become a woman who knows that although I will continue to work hard to achieve great things, none of that matters if it's not the great things the Lord wants to accomplish through me. I've learned when to be quiet and listen, I've learned what praying without ceasing means, and I've learned what letting go and holding on truly means. I've lost it all and gained even more. I wouldn't compare my life to Job, David, or Paul by any means, but I would say I fully understand their heart cries for the Lord in times of awe, suffering, pain, sorrow, and supernatural miracles.

I've become a woman who knows what community looks like. I've mentioned people here and there on this blog who have made an impact on my life, but for me to talk about each one of them would take several posts. My community group has been my family. They have loved me, encouraged me, and surrounded me with prayer unceasingly since I moved here. I can't tell you how much I've learned from them, because from each one of them I've taken part of them and I pray I am with all of them. I've become a woman who understands the meaning of friendship. 

I'm going to take this last posts to write about all my favorite things in New York City. I have been asked this question a million times, and never fully had an answer, but I realized its not one place, its it all together. New York City is nothing what it seems. It's more than the streets, the buildings, the shopping, or even the millions of people. New York City is a city of hope. 

  • Central Park-Whether I knew it or not, this place made me appreciate nature, family, love, and outside fun :)
  • Apostles Church
  • 35th and 7th Starbucks
  • 34th Street Subway
  • Macaroon
  • Cappizzi's Pizza
  • Union Square
  • Viva La Crepe
  • Barnes & Noble
  • NYC Skyline
  • Hudson River Sunsets
  • Rooftop Bars
  • SoHo Shopping
  • Walking & Running in the parks & streets
  • 24 Hour Diners
  • Delivery Food
  • Cheap Sushi
  • Gourmet Food
I pray that one day I look back on this time and am still able to tell my family all the wonderful things I learned, the people I met, and the places I went. I am in awe of our God who loves me so much that he flew me 2000 miles away from my comfort zone to refine me into the diamond He is making me into. I look forward to this next chapter of my life and I say goodbye to the last. Don't worry NYC, I'll be seeing you...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last 30 Days of NYC- Day 3

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012
(Holly's Birthday!) 
  • I have to start this blog with acknowledging that today is my best friends birthday! I love her so much and I am blessed to have a friend like her! Everyone deserves to have someone like her in your lives! Happy Birthday Hollis Hunter, I can't wait to watch what God has in store for you this year! <3 

  • Today was a day of rain, rain, and more rain. Also, with a sprained ankle and walking in NYC, it's not the easiest! I have enough office "moms" to where the middle of the day turned into a field trip through the rain to Duane Reade. This the normal place to shop in NYC! Anywho grabbed these disposable ice packs where I sat like this most of the day! 

  • For dinner, I headed to meet a dear friend at the Tick Tock Diner. This diner is special, because its the very first place I ate when I moved to NYC! This dear lady, Julia, is a sweet girl who is so smart and intelligent you can't leave a conversation without her imparting knowledge into you. I am grateful to have met her a year or so ago and for our friendship to grow and blossom! 

  •  Empire State Building on my walk back to the subway. This used to be my walk everyday to work when I lived at 34th and 10th. One day, I will bring my family back here and take pictures in front of this and it will be a wonderful memory to tell my family the stories of love, loss, pain, joy, and change God brought me through during my time here! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Last 30 Days in NYC-Day 4

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012
  • My day started off wonderful with this lovely note on my suitcase! I am staying my last week in NYC with the lovely Steph Smalls and of Bess! It has been a joy to talk with them and see how they live! It's wonderful to know that you have friends that will sacrifice their own comfort for your own. I am extremely blessed to be in the company of such amazing friends! 

  •  My day continued as a busy work day that called for some "sweet" action in the midst of the day. These things (below) are amazing! They can make any day brighter and any jean tighter! I love them and I will miss these things! NYC has the best gourmet food; its real and wonderful! There is nothing like it! 

  • Today I realized how much I love Spring/Summer-I get to paint my nails wonderfully bright colors! It really is amazing :) 

  • So my work day ended and I headed to the gym where I did some major sweat damage. As i was leaving I turned my ankle as I lost my balance on the edge of the sidewalk over the subway gutters. Yes, no cool story. The problem with this is in 5 days I will be moving stuff into and out of a UHAUL and I have an obstacle race on June 3rd. All I'm saying is it better be healed. 

  • Best part of this day minus the Macaroon's was going to CG for the last time. These people have become my family. They know me, love me, and support me in all things. Most of all they love the Lord with all of their hearts. They each have been gifted with talents and abilities to lead, love, give, and support. I will never be the same because of them. They have shown me what it is to give, to love, to enjoy community, and to desire the Gospel and to share the Gospel with all that I am. My prayer is that I take what I have been given here and bring it to Dallas to share. Flat Iron CG will always have a place in my heart and the people will always be my brothers and sisters; they are my family <3

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Last 30 Days in NYC- Day 5

Monday, May 21st, 2012

  • Today was a very busy day at work, but with a light at the end of the tunnel. I only have 3 1/2 more days after this one. It was a good joy, but also a sobering reality. I really want to remember the little things about my daily life in NYC. One in particular is the people who have come to be apart of my everyday life, the Starbucks workers. You may laugh, but in reality it was consistent smile I could always count on. They are hard workers who are genuine and kind to those they serve. I hope to remember them in the midst when I think my life is far from easy. Everyone has it rough, its those who learn to deal through the rough patches that live as if it is all going smoothly. 
  • Also, tonight was the last of my women's bible study. We have been doing this study for 20 weeks. It's crazy how much you can learn, grow, change, and completely be transformed in a time of a few months. God gave me these women to learn from, grow from, and be blessed by. I will forever be grateful for them all. 

Last 30 Days of NYC-Day 6 & 7

Saturday/Sunday May 19th/20th, 2012
  • This weekend has been planned for awhile. One of my oldest guy friends from my first year in college plays professional baseball and had a tournament in Newark, NJ. I decided to get away for the weekend so I got a hotel and went and watched him. It was amazing to watch baseball, I didn't really how much I love the sport and the sun :) 
Night Games are amazing! 

Baseball = Tanning = Sun Burnt 

 New Friends I met! 
Cameron :) 

Last 30 Days of NYC-Day 8

Friday, May 18th, 2012
  • I started the day off by having breakfast by the MOMA :) It was a lovely day so I was able to sit on the patio of Lindy's and have a wonderful breakfast! 
Lindy's Diner Midtow
Me :) 
Random Walking Skyline Picture 
  • After Lindy's I headed to the MOMA where I spent a good 2 hours enjoying, thinking, walking slowly, and taking all the art in. It's an amazing thing, art. It can tell you so many stories without saying anything, but it can speak volumes. It has a way of taking your breath away just knowing the talent that is alive in our world today. We all have something to give this world, but these artist have such skill, precision, and visionary creativity it really is magnificent. 
The 9/11 Memorial Chopper, Engraving, and Me in front of the North Pool. 

 9/11 Memorial Sign, North Pool, and the Tower that will stand 104 Floors. 
Where the Towers will Stand Again! 

 Names Engraved on the Memorial. 

  • I left the MOMA and headed to the 9/11 Memorial. This was something I have been looking forward to for awhile. When I was in 8th grade I wrote a paper about the attacks and actually won, but this day has always sort of stuck with me. It's a day when millions Americans, and people all over the world, woke up. It's a reality that we live in a world with good and evil. I got here and was immediately overcome. The pools are breathtaking, the structures that are being built stand for so much more than just renovation, and the names graved on the outer parts of the pool are heartbreaking. It's crazy to me each one of those names had a family, a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, maybe a wife and children. Lives lost too young and even heart broken with no sense of closure. This memorial is a place for closure. A place to know that peace surpasses that of what the world tries to break us of. 
Front of the MOMA, Design Floor and Painting Floor
Sculpture Floor and the Cindy Sherman Exhibit Entrance
Starry Night (My Favorite) 
  • From the 9/11 Memorial I headed to get a mani/pedi and then to meet Anja for dinner. Anja is a dear friend who's wisdom and knowledge is way past her years and her depth of love for the Lord is contagious. I have learned so much from her and I look forward to see what great things the Lord does through her life! It's a blessing to know such amazing women of God. 
Me and Anja, The Sunset on Hudson River, and the NYC Skyline at night from The Frying Pan
NYC Day and Night Skyline
  • Speaking of women of God, after that we headed to celebrate our lovely Aussie's Birthday. It was a great night to fellowship and drink to her life and it also was a sobering reality to me to cherish this and remember it, it all comes and goes too quickly. 
Bess, Krista, Anja, and Kelley! <3 

Last 30 Days of NYC- Day 9

Thursday, May 17th, 2012

  • Today was a very busy day at work, with the chaos setting in that the next week would be my last week. I was taking Friday off, so I had so much to get done today! 
  • My boss planned a going away happy hour at Hudson Terrace, which is a rooftop terrace! It was a lot of fun to eat, drink, and people watch. As all of us are in the fashion industry, we had to stop ourselves from getting too upset at the wardrobes! ;)

  • Sunsets are my ABSOLUTE favorite, so seeing it on the Hudson two nights in a row this week was a dream! 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Last 30 Days of NYC-Day 10

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

  • My day can be summed up in two words-Work, Out. Yes all I did today was work until late and then go work out. It was a day that a typical "New Yorker" sees. Work and then the night lights of the city blazing. 
You come to get used to the lights, the people, the shoving, the rudeness, and even the stupid old men who think whistling at you brings them back to their 20's. Yes, you eventually zone all of that out and pick up the beautiful diversity of the city, the amazing food that melts in your mouth, the appreciation for generosity and gentlemen, the wonderful creativity of architecture, beauty, and nature, and even the ever present lights of Times Square. I work in midtown, right next door to the Macy's on 34th street. So you can imagine my day is constantly surrounded by fanny packs, cameras, and foreign languages. 

But why do they come? Why does this city draw millions maybe even billions of people each year? 

They come to believe, to start over, the trust that out of all the things of this world that have fallen, something went right. Nobody knows why they love the city, its never one word, its a slew of adjectives and nouns. It's the possibility that each day holds something different, new, and possibly, frightening. It's like living Olivia and Stabler's life and knowing that one day you might just have to do a roundhouse "Chuck Norris" kick to the face of some punk, who some days is, yourself. Whatever it is, people come, crowds stand in wonder at the lights, the hope, and the vastness of possibility that one island holds for all who believe. This was my season in New York City, and the crazy thing is, all this happened to me, and it took me leaving to even stop and stand in awe at the true Light. It took having to walk away from it all to see the beauty of it all. So I tell you all this to give you hope that this city does hold possibilities, but only for those that believe that you can't find the true Light in the lights, the buildings, the fame, or the fortune. The only true Light is in the midst of the hearts of the people, the kindness of the bagel man, the humility of a homeless woman, the strength of the construction workers, the truth of the friendships, and the love of the community. It's all a apart of the wonder, the awe, and the hope that one day, all will be restored. It's New York City, and I promise you, its a wonderful place to be. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Last 30 Days of NYC-Days 11 & 12

Monday, May 14th, 2012

  • First thing today I had a doctor's appointment to check out a few bites. Yes, bites. I was scared they were the infamous NY bug, but don't worry, just a "swarm of spider bites." Literally, the doctor said that a few spiders just "went to town" on my body. It was still surprisingly less horrifying than the other. As I was walking there I had to pass Bryant Park (Above) and the NY Public Library (Below). It is so beautiful here that I had to get pictures. 
The sun shining and the beauty of architecture, history, and the continuous rarity of green in a concrete jungle! 

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

  • As I have mentioned, I have been staying in Brooklyn for the past 3 weeks, and since we have been living in Seattle, the green is EVERYWHERE. It is absolutely beautiful to walk to the subway every morning and pass this apartment complex with a yard full of blooming flowers and green bushes and vines and trees. Its wonderful! Yes, this coming from a girl who was glad to see weeds in the yard just to take away from the brown grass :) West Texas Humor! 

  • I added the above picture for humor and to remember when I found this photo. It explains my life so well that it had to be on my blog :) 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Last 30 Days of NYC-Day 13 & 14

Saturday, May 12th, 2012

  • I got to sleep in :) The joy of Saturdays! I then got up and ventured out to take laundry and find a place to brunch :) I found this quaint little spot with a mini orchestra playing in the garden area in the back. It was a wonderful meal with Poached Eggs and Asparagus Risotto cakes! Yummy :) God is so good to us and He has given us wonderful things such as food and music to display His glory through blessing us. It's really quite romantic ;) 

  • After brunch, I ventured on to where I am staying to change and then head to Prospect park to run! It was a great run, and there were all kinds of families out and about on the beautiful afternoon. 

  • Following my run, I headed home to get ready for the evening! I babysit for the same couple I did a couple weeks ago as they went out. I laid on the couch with sushi and Netflix and watched this sunset and thanked the Lord for such a precious memory. 
  • The last event of this night was for Jess Renfro's Birthday party. We headed to a bar in Chelsea which was extremely fun and extremely hott! Though the pictures are blurry, they will forever be a remembrance to a night of fun, friends, and celebrating Jess! God has blessed me so much and for these women below, I am extremely honored to call them sisters and friends. <3 

Sunday May 13th, 2012

  • Mothers Day :) I could not be with my Mom physically today, but I was with her spiritually. She is my light, my hope, my joy, and God's angel on earth to me. I celebrated her today by more than just telling her I loved her, but lifting her up in joy and thankfulness. 

  • While celebrating 2000 miles away, I also spent the day in rest,  eating a great breakfast at IHOP, and picking up laundry. God gave me this day as my Sabbath.
  • After church  Laura, Camille, Bryan, and I ventured over to Sunburst to enjoy the company of friends and fellowship with food :) Yes, God is good!

This weekend was one of memories, productivity, and rest. Cherish every moment you have. <3 

Last 30 Days of NYC- Day 15

Friday, May 11th, 2012

  • Today was a wonderful day. I worked all day and was given more clarity on my future position. It always helps having clarity. It also always helps to burn 708 calories! God has been so good to provide a way to work out here in the city and to give me the energy and heart to do so. June 3rd will be my first 5K race of the summer and I am doing all I can to be ready!

  • Tonight was date night with THE Sarah Hines! This lady, she's amazing. She has been one of my best friends here in NYC and I thank God daily for placing her in my life. She has a heart for Jesus that I've never seen and her wisdom and knowledge continue to spur me closer to the Lord. We both love life and aspire to have God glorified in all we do. She does it through dance and I do it through...trying to dance ;) All in all, we had a great date night at Tony's Italian in Times Square (below) and then having a drink at one of her families "bars" in their bar ministry. I promise you, the Lord is using the Hines' in NYC for great things, and I am blessed to know them. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Last 30 Days of NYC- Day 16 & 17

May 9th & 10th, 2012

Wednesday, May 9th

  • Today was a great day, but didn't get to take many pictures! It has been crazy rainy in NYC the past few weeks, so the day was mostly spent inside the office! I did however venture out at night to meet a friend for dinner and got a little bored on the subway ride (picture below)! We ate at the Landmarc Restaurant in Columbus Circle/Time Warner Center and it was a night full of delicious food and great conversation! 

  • Also on the subway, I went through my pictures and decided to make this collage. My best friends are few and far between.Within the last 10 months I have been in NYC I have met some amazing people and made friends I will have forever, but no matter who I met, I always knew I had something that could never be taken away by distance. Though I am moving back to Texas now, I know that no matter where the good Lord takes us in the future, these girls will be my forever friends. Kendall and I met over 4 years ago, her freshman year and my sophomore year of college. We've been best friends ever since. Michelle and I met over 3 years ago through a friend in class, and in the past year we have become friends that will forever make each other laugh and encourage each other to reach for the stars. Samantha Jo and I met over 5 years ago my freshman, her sophomore year of college. We have always remained super close and her sense of humor could put a smile on my face in the hardest of days and her outlook on life always causes me to ask for advice. Jordan and I met in school over 2 1/2 years ago, and we walked from class to class together until the Good Lord made a way for us to be able to live together. Her and I have always known that there are few people in our lives that stay and we both know that friendships like ours will continually be the glue to hold you together. Hollis, oh Holly! I have known this girl for over 10 years now, I know forever, and we have been best friends for most of that. We have seen miles separate us more than once and we also have seen the best and worst of experiences. She has held me through times when I didn't think I could make it, showing me that even in the hardest times, God's light shines when all else fades. 
These women will be in my life forever and I pray that I can honor and encourage them as much as they do me for the rest of my time here! <3 

Thursday, May 10th

  • Today was the first day I have seen the sun in a long time :) It was  new day full of new possibilities! The light can make you feel like anything is possible! 

  • This night I went with a friend to eat dinner in East Village at La Palabo which was great Mexican food. Yes, I said it, in NYC. 

  •  When I was younger and watch way to much TV there was a show called Sex in the City that you might have heard of. Well, they lived in these amazing houses that are called Brownstones and lets just say to live in one, you gotta be making a lot more than Carrie Bradshaw. But I digress to say that this house in East Village was covered with greenery and all you needed was Italy in the background to make it my perfect dream getaway spot. So maybe one day ;)