“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.” -Dr. Seuss
I never thought my life would lead me to New York City. You never think your life will go where it goes. We try our best to schedule days, weeks, months of our lives, but it never looks like we plan. I dreamed of so many things when I was younger, so many of those things could accompany a slideshow with thank God for unanswered prayers; A few though, have come true, and many are yet to be written.
My time in New York has grown me in ways that I didn't even know I needed to grow in (pride I know). I've become a woman who fears the Lord with all that she is because she knows that nothing in this world matters. I've become a woman who is starting to feel the wonder, awe, and beauty of God's unfailing love for me and His children. I've become a woman who knows that although I will continue to work hard to achieve great things, none of that matters if it's not the great things the Lord wants to accomplish through me. I've learned when to be quiet and listen, I've learned what praying without ceasing means, and I've learned what letting go and holding on truly means. I've lost it all and gained even more. I wouldn't compare my life to Job, David, or Paul by any means, but I would say I fully understand their heart cries for the Lord in times of awe, suffering, pain, sorrow, and supernatural miracles.
I've become a woman who knows what community looks like. I've mentioned people here and there on this blog who have made an impact on my life, but for me to talk about each one of them would take several posts. My community group has been my family. They have loved me, encouraged me, and surrounded me with prayer unceasingly since I moved here. I can't tell you how much I've learned from them, because from each one of them I've taken part of them and I pray I am with all of them. I've become a woman who understands the meaning of friendship.
I'm going to take this last posts to write about all my favorite things in New York City. I have been asked this question a million times, and never fully had an answer, but I realized its not one place, its it all together. New York City is nothing what it seems. It's more than the streets, the buildings, the shopping, or even the millions of people. New York City is a city of hope.
- Central Park-Whether I knew it or not, this place made me appreciate nature, family, love, and outside fun :)
- Apostles Church
- 35th and 7th Starbucks
- 34th Street Subway
- Macaroon
- Cappizzi's Pizza
- Union Square
- Viva La Crepe
- Barnes & Noble
- NYC Skyline
- Hudson River Sunsets
- Rooftop Bars
- SoHo Shopping
- Walking & Running in the parks & streets
- 24 Hour Diners
- Delivery Food
- Cheap Sushi
- Gourmet Food
I pray that one day I look back on this time and am still able to tell my family all the wonderful things I learned, the people I met, and the places I went. I am in awe of our God who loves me so much that he flew me 2000 miles away from my comfort zone to refine me into the diamond He is making me into. I look forward to this next chapter of my life and I say goodbye to the last. Don't worry NYC, I'll be seeing you...